Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Encounters Explained

Hi there. My name is Kate*. I love people. Truly. I love encountering people; especially those that make me laugh. As much as I wanted to fit in as a child, as I've grown older, the eccentric people in the world are the ones that entertain me the most. But enough about me...this blog is a place for me to relate my encounters, moments, and sagas with other characters in the world (do you like how I tied that in to my blog title?) I have another blog that is a blog about my life and is read by those who know me IRL...but this one is purely for entertainment.

Anyway, I sing in a community chorus. I imagine most of the experiences with characters I mention will be with folks from the chorus. You just can't imagine what characters are attracted to a community chorus! The chorus is located in CasualTown USA. CasualTown itself is not large, but is located near two fairly large metropolitan areas. It has its own character and feel, but also can serve as a "suburb" for those Metro areas. As such, it has a thriving arts community for its size. I should also mention that the median age of folks in the CasualTown Community Chorus is probably 50. If not older.

There have been so many funny stories and characters that I have run into in the past few years, that I doubt I'll be able to recount them all here. I'll do my best...and so I imagine the first few months of this venture will be chronicling past encounters, moments, and sagas. But don't worry, if there are new ones that crop up, I'll be sure to pass them along, too!

*All names will be changed to protect the odd, eccentric, crazy, and dumb (myself included!)

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